My Dog Caught a Baby Bunny: What Should You Do?

My Dog Caught a Baby Bunny

My dog caught a baby bunny, as a dog owner, witnessing your furry friend catch a baby bunny can be both surprising and concerning.  While dogs are natural hunters, handling such situations with care is essential.  In this article, we’ll …

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Can Dogs Spit?

Can Dogs Spit?

Have you ever wondered if dogs can spit like humans do? If you have a dog, you may have noticed that sometimes they drool excessively or make spitting noises. What does this mean? Is it normal or a sign of …

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Dog Wakes Up Screaming

Dog Wakes Up Screaming

Imagine this: It’s the dead of night, and suddenly, a piercing scream jolts you awake. Heart pounding, you realize it’s coming from your beloved pet. This alarming scenario, where a dog wakes up screaming, is more common than many pet …

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Why Is My Dog Obsessed with My Belly Button?

Why Is My Dog Obsessed with My Belly Button?

Have you ever wondered why your dog seems to have a fascination with your belly button? Maybe you have caught him licking, sniffing, or nuzzling it when you are lying on the couch, sleeping in bed, or changing your clothes. …

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Dog Wet The Bed But Not Urine

dog wet the bed but not urine

Have you ever woken up to find your dog’s bed wet with a clear and odorless liquid that is not urine? If so, you might be wondering dog wet the bed but not urine what is causing this problem, and …

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