About Us

Who We Are

We are Pet with Tail, a website dedicated to providing reliable and useful information on pet-related issues. We are a group of pet lovers who share our insights and experiences with other pet owners. We love pets and we want to help you love them too.

What We Do

We provide reliable and useful information on pet-related issues to help pet owners take better care of their furry friends. We share our knowledge and expertise on pet health, diet, breeds, and behavior through engaging and informative articles. Our articles are written by experts and based on research, so you can trust our advice and recommendations.

Why We Do It

Our mission is to make your pet happy and healthy. We believe that pets are not just animals, but family members who deserve the best care and attention. We also believe that pet owners need reliable and useful information on pet-related issues to make informed decisions and avoid common pet problems. That’s why we created Pet with Tail, a website that aims to be your one-stop destination for all things pet-related.

How We Started

Pet with Tail started as a passion project by a group of pet lovers who wanted to share their insights and experiences with other pet owners. We realized that there was a lack of reliable and useful information on pet-related issues online.

So we decided to create our website to fill that gap. We worked hard to dig out the facts about pet health, diet, breeds, and behavior from reputable sources and present them in an easy-to-read and engaging article form.

How We Grew

Over time, we have grown our audience and reputation as a trusted and authoritative source of pet information. We have received positive feedback and testimonials from our satisfied customers who have found our articles helpful and informative. We are constantly updating and improving our website to offer you the latest and most relevant information on pet-related issues.

How We Are Different

What makes us different from other similar businesses is our dedication to providing accurate, relevant, and helpful information that caters to the needs and interests of pet owners. We are not just a website, we are a community of pet lovers who want to make a difference in the lives of pets and their owners. 

We are always open to learning, improving, and growing, and we welcome feedback and suggestions. We are proud of what we do, and we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of pets and their owners.

What We Value

At Pet with Tail, we value honesty, integrity, and excellence. We believe that providing reliable and useful information on pet-related issues is not only our duty but also our passion. We are committed to delivering high-quality content that is accurate, relevant, and helpful for pet owners. 

We respect our customers, our partners, and our team members, and we treat them with kindness and professionalism. We are always open to learning, improving, and growing, and we welcome feedback and suggestions. We are proud of what we do, and we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of pets and their owners.

Join Us

If you are a pet owner or a pet lover, we invite you to join us and discover how to make your pet happy and healthy. You can browse our articles, subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on social media, or contact us for any questions or inquiries. We would love to hear from you and share our passion for pets with you. Thank you for visiting Pet with Tail, your online guide to pet care.